One DBA's Ongoing Search for Clarity in the Middle of Nowhere


Yet Another Andy Writing About SQL Server

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Everybody Needs to Know About Recovery

My friend and SQL Server professional Tim Radney (blog/@tradney) has written a new entry in the Joes2Pros series:

You can get it from Amazon here for the low price of $9.99 - I ordered mine and will post a review when it comes, but I trust both of these brands enough to recommend this book now - the Joes2Pros books are a widely-read and well-respected series and Tim is a very involved member of the #sqlfamily and a knowledgeable source.

Check it out!

Friday, October 19, 2012

A Minor Problem of Access

A colleague sent this - they received a trouble ticket where a user who had "all access" to the database couldn't do anything:

Can you spot the problem?  :)